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We’re fessing up to an extremely poorly timed project that made our house look WORSE right before it hit the market. Whoops. Plus we share the smorgasbord of ways we’re selling our houses. All three are being sold differently (including some with and some without the help of a real estate agent). So we’re breaking down how and why we chose each route, including why we paid to have a “pre-inspection” done for our Richmond home and how that changed our preparations for listing the house. Plus Sherry talks about an unconventional (and completely accidental) way she decluttered her digital life.
You can download this episode from Apple Podcasts, Google Podcasts, Stitcher, TuneIn Radio, and Spotify – or listen to it below!
What’s New
- This is literally the cleanest, emptiest, cobwebless-est our garage has been since we moved in… and it’s all because we’ve been getting our house ready for the real estate showings that happened this past weekend.
Continue reading #165: The Dumb Thing We Did Before Listing Our House at Young House Love.